Today marks the official conclusion of our project! Our eLearning platform is now open to everyone at designed to enhance your digital job onboarding experience. Plus, don’t forget to visit our website for even more valuable content and updates. A heartfelt thank you to all our partners for their invaluable cooperation throughout this journey! #ProjectConclusion#eLearningPlatform #DigitalJobOnboarding #ThankYouPartners
“Big news! Our newsletter is now available multilingual, featuring German, English, Finnish, Italian, Greek, and Czech, reflecting the languages of our partners!
Download on our website:
Thrilled to announce that our digital job onboarding eLearning course is now open for self-registration to all! Whether you’re a new hire or transitioning roles, this course will equip you with the tools and knowledge for a seamless start. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to level up your onboarding experience. Enroll now and kickstart your journey to success!
Join now:
The Erasmus+ project ‘Digital Job-Onboarding’ comes to an end at the end of April. We had the opportunity to post an article in the current newsletter about Generation Z and the labour market via the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Arbeit e.V. ( Just have a read
Exciting news! As we wrap up our project, the DJ Consortium is already looking ahead!
Our project results will be shared with partners at national and European levels through associations, universities, NGOs, and vocational schools.
We’re passionate about equipping young people with demanding employability skills for today’s digitalized job market. Our training outputs won’t just benefit VET students – we’re aiming for a wider impact! For this reason, each partner has outlined actions to ensure long-term dissemination.
Check out our webpage for all project outputs:
🔒 Stay Tuned! 🔒 Module 5 of our Digital Job Onboarding Course is almost here! Explore essential Security Aspects including Cybersecurity Basics, Defense Against Attack Techniques, and Best Practices for Staying Safe Online. Get ready to safeguard your digital presence! Hashtag#Cybersecurity Hashtag#DigitalSafety Hashtag#OnlineLearning
🎉 Big News! 🎉 Module 4 of our Digital Job Onboarding Course is coming soon! Dive into Professional Social Responsibility in Social Media. Learn about Responsible Networking, Crafting Social Media Strategies, and Creating Impactful Content and Ads. Get ready to shine online! Hashtag#SocialMediaResponsibility Hashtag#DigitalSkills Hashtag#OnlineCourse
🌟 Announcement Alert! 🌟 Module 3 of our Online Course on Digital Job Onboarding is on its way! Explore Personal Work Life essentials including Understanding Labour Market Demands, Assessing Your Strengths and Weaknesses, and Crafting a CV tailored for European standards. Get ready to take your career to new heights! Hashtag#PersonalWorkLife Hashtag#CareerDevelopment Hashtag#OnlineLearning
Our third newsletter is out
Find it below to learn about the project progress
Exciting Update!
Get ready for Module 2: New Forms of Work and Work Organization in our Digital Job Onboarding Course! Discover how to Find Your Strengths, Optimize Your CV and LinkedIn Profile, Navigate Job Agencies, Understand Your Rights and Responsibilities, and Adapt Your Skills for the New Age of AI and Self-Employment. Stay tuned for more details! #NewFormsOfWork #DigitalSkills #CareerDevelopment
Exciting News!
Our revamped Module 1 on Digital Tools is ready to launch soon in our Online Course on Digital Job Onboarding!
Dive into essential topics like Communication, Collaboration, Information & Presentation, and Organization to supercharge your digital skill set. Stay tuned for updates! #DigitalJobOnboarding #OnlineLearning #DigitalSkills
Do you remember our Projekt Result 1?
Survey: Bridging Perspectives in the Job Market!
We’ve wrapped up our survey on digital skills in May of 2022, and the results painted an intriguing picture of the job market landscape. Here’s what we’ve discovered:
Participants: We heard from 233 unemployed individuals aged 18-25 and 252 employers across Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, and Italy.
Timing: March 1st – May 31st, 2022.
Research Questions:
– What digital skills are crucial from the employer’s perspective?
– How do unemployed youth perceive their digital skills in meeting job market demands?
Key Findings:
– Organizational Perspective: Companies prioritize specific competency areas for their employees, with a strong emphasis on safe computer and internet usage, along with personal organization skills like work-life balance and time management.
– Unemployed Perspective: Unemployed individuals recognize the importance of further training in all competency areas, indicating a readiness to enhance their skill sets.
– While unemployed individuals show consistent interest in training across all competency areas, companies exhibit varying priorities.
– This comparison underscores the importance of aligning training initiatives with industry demands to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers.
A huge THANK YOU to all participants for contributing to this valuable research! Stay tuned for deeper insights and actionable takeaways from our survey results!
In an era when digital skills open doors to successful careers, we are proud to have successfully completed the Digital Job Onboarding course in the Czech Republic, which we have named Digi(re)START. But we didn’t stay with this change and focused the course for women who are returning to the job market after maternity leave.
Participants gained invaluable knowledge, from practical use of digital tools to strategies for an effective job search. What’s more? They overcame social and psychological barriers, shared experiences and boosted their self-confidence.
Join us for a special online event where we will share our knowledge and experience from our pilot course in the Czech Republic. We will present the training materials and show you how to use them!
The event is open to everyone – whether you were part of our course or not. We will introduce you to how to use the materials for your self-study and how they can help you in your personal and professional development. #digirestart#DigitalJobOnboarding#Innovation
The event will be held in Czech language!
Exciting News Alert from Austria!
Our groundbreaking Digital Job Onboarding project has been making waves in the Austrian press!
Four national newspapers have featured articles about our innovative approach on the onboarding process.
Check out our article posted on EPALE about DJ Project:
Enhancing Digital Inclusion through the Digital Job Onboarding | EPALE (
Our Austrian partners , FH JOANNEUM, have published their results on the training courses. for all German speakers, have fun reading.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Jugend am Werk Steiermark
Fenice Green Energy Park
Synthesis Center for Research and Education
DEX Innovation Centre
Yesterday, on Thursday, February 1st, we hosted a multiplier event for the Digital Job Onboarding project at Fenice Academy – Fondazione Fenice. The event drew participation from both the live audience and over 160 online viewers via streaming! It sparked great interest, triggered insightful questions, and fueled curiosity among the attendees. Thank you to everyone who joined us at this event!
We are thrilled to share some exciting news from the Digital Job Onboarding project in Italy! 3 groups of enthusiastic students successfully completed the proposed training.
Thanks to this training, participants have gained fundamental skills to confidently enter the job market, ranging from using digital tools to understanding modern business dynamics.
The culmination of the Digital Job Onboarding training for each group was to successfully conceptualize, execute, and present a practical project. In these projects, students applied the skills they acquired in the realms of entrepreneurship, sustainability, and digital tool utilization.
Congratulations to all the participants for their outstanding projects and for embodying the spirit of innovation and adaptability!
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Synthesis Center for Research and Education
Great news! The training implementation phase of the Digital Job Onboarding project is in full swing and now covers all partner countries. By the end of January 2024, this crucial phase will be completed, and the committed young people will receive their well-deserved certificates.
A significant milestone on the way to promoting digital skills and career entry!
We look forward to seeing the success and progress of these motivated participants.
Happy New Year with new skills and new knowledge!
The DigComp 2.2 framework describes the necessary skills and competencies needed to thrive in the digital sphere. It includes more than 250 new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes for all to improve their digital skills.
Read it below:
The DJ Project aims to close the gap of digital divide during job onboarding for vulnerable target groups, especially young unemployed people without academic educational backgrounds.
We have designed training material to equip young people with the necessary skills to enter the digital market. The modules include:
– Digital Tools in Everyday Work
– New Forms of Work
– Social Responsibility in Social Media
– Security
All of the chapters include Definitions, Knowledge Transfer, Self-test questions and Interactive Activities.
Right now, we are in the process of implementing the course designed to the target groups in each partner country: Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, and Italy!
Kickoff at the FH Joanneum and Jugend am Werk Steiermark in the framework of the Digital Job Onboarding project!
The post-pandemic job market demands a fresh approach to onboarding young people, with a strong focus on digital and soft skills development. Embracing the digital transformation while nurturing essential interpersonal capabilities will help youth succeed in their careers and contribute positively to their organizations.
DJO Digital Onboarding project stands in this context as a real and effective support for young people looking for work. The international partnership has designed and planned a suitable training course in line with the needs identified.
Join the Journey: We encourage everyone to support this essential project and stay tuned for updates as we progress. Together, let’s create a world where digital opportunities are accessible to all!
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Synthesis Center for Research and Education
The DJO project aims to empower young NEET with essential digital skills and knowledge to boost their career prospects in today’s digital age!
What’s in store?
Hands-on training in digital tools and technologies.
Personalized mentoring and support throughout the program.
Insightful workshops on navigating the digital job market.
Networking opportunities. Participative process to create practical projects.
An opportunity to take the career to new heights! Training will be held in Italy, Austria,
Finland, Cyprus and Czechia.
Let’s break the barriers and embrace the digital future together! #digitaljobonboarding#digitalskills#CareerBoost#InclusiveOpportunities#empowerment
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Following the successful #DJO multiplier event in Cyprus, addressed to young learners, innovative employers, VET trainers, educators and relevant networks, the project partners continue their hard work by entering the implementation phase!
Learn more about the project and its activities and outcomes here:
Digital Job Onboarding survey results have been published in #DISCERN , the International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship!
Read the full article here:
Last Friday, we had the opportunity to present our project at the KAIT ideas competition at FH JOANNEUM Kapfenberg Institut für Software Design und Security and then hold interesting discussions with people interested in the project.
Project 2021 – 1 – AT01 – KA220 – 000034864, Digital Job Onboarding
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
We are currently working on the #curricula and learning materials for the training course. There will be 5 #modules in this course: Digital Tools
New forms of work and work organisation
Personal work life
Professional social responsibility in Social Media
Security aspects
A European joint education project enhances employability and digital job onboarding of young job-seeking Europeans is published at Iated Digital Library now. Authors Reija Anckar Irma Makarainen-Suni Anna Lahtinen (Ruohonen)
Abstract View (
The European project team of Digital Job Onboarding – DJ project had a meeting in Prague to improve the quality of coming trainings and discuss dissemination activities. FH JOANNEUMHaaga-Helia University of Applied SciencesJugend am Werk SteiermarkFH JOANNEUM Kapfenberg Institut für Software Design und SecuritySYNTHESISDEX Innovation Centre
We are halfway!
The 31st of January ends the first half of Digital Job Onboarding project.
What have we achieved so far?
A survey for potential employees and employers about digital and soft skills at the workplace – 225 employees and 238 companies in 5 countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Cyprus, Finland)
Project website online
Training material for NEETs elaborated
2 face-to-face project team meeting in Kapfenberg (Austria) and Nicosia (Cyprus)
Much more to come in the following months!
Training Material ready!
The training material for NEETs has been elaborated by project partners in close collaboration: 3 months of cooperation for the preparation of 5 modules to help young people to improve their digital and work skills.
The modules are:
1. Digital tools
2. New forms of work and work organisation
3. Personal working life
4. Professional social responsibility in social media
5. Cyber security
We are very glad to announce that the peer review process of the #DJ project modules has started! A great cooperation between #HaagaHelia and #SYNTHESIS for the ‘Work Life Balance” module!
Tailoring Modules for NEETs (young people neither in employment nor in education and training) and other young people at risk of marginalisation.
During September 21 – 22, 2022, the DJ partners met in Nicosia, Cyprus for the second transnational meeting of the project.
The consortium discussed the project process, and the results planned, including the study on digital skills in the workplace, the training course development, and the training course implementation.
Follow us to stay up to date on the DJ project!
This is a Finnish blog text on how to support youth in digital job onboarding. In Finland it is the national Youth Work Week 2022 from Oct. 10 to 16, 2022.
Today Digital Job Onboarding project was presented when Haaga-Helia UAS organised a research day in Helsinki.
Key results will be a study, curriculum and training program on digital work and skills for unemployed young people #dj#onboarding#dissemination#erasmusplus#digitalisation
The project Digital Job Onboarding – DJ will design trainings on digital job onboarding for young, unemployed people in Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, and Italy.
There will be five online modules: digital tools, the new forms and organisation of work, personal work life, professional responsibility in social media, and security. They will be run in spring 2023.
companies were interviewed on job onboarding. Digital skills such as a good command of MS Office, video conferencing programs, and browsers are crucial at work. On top of that, soft skills, e.g. self-organisation, teamwork, networking and ecological actions are valued, too.
It is an acronym for young people (15 – 29 years old) not in education or employment. NEET rates vary from 7% in Switzerland to 30 % in Colomia.
Project Digital Job Onboarding plans and runs trainings for unemployed yonúng people in Austria, Finland, Cyprys, Czech Republic, and Italy to develop their
*digital skills for work
*self-leadership skills
*teamwork skills
*sustainability skills
How is the onboarding process changing in our digital era? Which are the most beneficial digital skills required in the workplace?
The #DJ project focuses on the new digital competencies required by the labour market.
During the past months, all the partners investigated this issue, collecting information among the youngest population, to better understand their digital skills and to explore their expectations regarding the work insertion, through a survey.
Which are better mastered and which need further training?
More than 200 youths, from the four partners’ countries, answered our questions.
On the other hand, we involved almost 250 firms in the survey.
Among them, 40 companies that act daily with digital tools, accepted to speak with us and narrate their daily challenges in this evolving world.
Stay tuned to discover all our results!
The project #DJ is moving forward with its work.
Currently, the partners’ consortium is working towards producing a #study through collecting data to determine a clear picture of the current situation of #digitalisation in the workplace, in the #EU and in the partner countries, and to find out what young people need!
Stay tuned to find out the results of the study!
SYNTHESIS FH JOANNEUM Internet-Technologien & -Anwendungen @Jugend am Werk Steiermark Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences @Fenice @DEX
During March 31 – April 1, 2022, the DJ partners met in Kapfenberg, Austria for the first transnational meeting of the project.
The consortium kicked-off the project by presenting the project results planned, including the study on digital skills in the workplace, the training course development, and the training course implementation.
Follow us to stay up to date on the DJ project!
SYNTHESISFH JOANNEUM Internet-Technologien & -AnwendungenJugend am Werk Steiermark @haaga helia @Fenice @DEX
The first project result of the #DJproject is a #study on #digitalcompetences needed in the #workplace. The goals of the study are:
To determine a clear picture of the current situation of #digitalisation in the workplace in the #EU and in the partner countries
To determine the needs of #youngpeople.
All the above will take place through:
An online survey that will paint picture of the current situation, companies and unemployed young people largely from the regions of the project partners
Best practice examples
A literature research review
A final report.
The #DJproject consortium consists of six full partners from five countries:
• Fondazione Fenice Onlus
The #DJproject – Digital Job Onboarding – directly addresses #digitaltransformation through development of #digitalreadiness, resilience and capacity, through operating at the intersection of digital divide and digital #labour market transformation and the needs of unemployed #youngpeople. Also, it overlaps with the vulnerable group of #NEETs (young people neither in employment nor in education and training) and other young people at risk of marginalisation.
DJ also addresses the priority #Environment and fight against climate change through a training programme for work-related sustainability innovation projects.
With the #COVID‐19 pandemic accelerating the digital transition, the digital skills gap became a key determinant in the employability of young people and their ability to seize the opportunities stemming from this transition. Targeted upskilling helps young people respond to the growing demand for digital skills and addresses the digital divide.” (EC 2020). DJ’s goal is to help young people who have been left behind during the pandemic to activate their career potential with a special focus on new forms of digital working – an important step to reduce youth unemployment rate, which is twice as high as the general unemployment rate in the EU.
#erasmus+ #EU#Austria#Cyprus#Finland#Italy#CzechRepublic